• Animal Guide

About Our Animals

As an accredited member of the Alliance of Marine Mammals Parks and Aquariums (AMMPA), the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the International Marine Animal Trainers’ Association (IMATA), and American Humane, Marineland Dolphin Adventure is dedicated to the well-being of animals in human care and in the wild. Thanks to the dedicated professionals who care for these animals, reproduction programs have been very successful, with almost 70 percent of the bottlenose dolphins in accredited zoos, aquariums and marine parks born in these facilities. As for Marineland, we have not collected any dolphins from the wild since 1972.


Zoos and aquariums are widely and rightly recognized by the public and by governments worldwide for our important and long-standing contributions to marine education, to the protection of ocean wildlife and habitats, research important to the health of animals—both in our collections and in the wild—and to the rescue and rehabilitation of injured and stranded marine mammals, sea turtles and other animals. We are grateful to the public, which partners in these missions through their attendance at Marineland.